Your Zen Remedy - New Thought Patterns
Your programing, beliefs and conditioning is not in alignment with what you choose to have in life.
when you attempt to solve your problem of how YOU feel and how YOU Think and YOU look by focusing on things outside of yourself
Your Habits, Attitude, Beliefs, and Expectations are all not congruent with what your heart desires
The Program you are running needs to be scanned to evaluate which thought patterns are working for you.
Most of the things that you believe were programmed or conditioned into you at a very young age.
It is possible that you have never been introduced to the opportunity or space to really reflect upon.
Why are you do what you do?
More importantly, what it is that you would choose to have in your life?
If you are looking for awareness, resilience and sustainable happiness,
Your Zen Remedy will help you discover, in a very conscious approach, what it is you choose to have in your life and what you need to do to get it
The truth is, we do not get happiness, or that good feeling from experiences. We enjoy from the things outside ourselves at all.
When we experience something pleasant, we feel good.
You might think this feeling comes from the experience, but it does not .
In our society, in this time, there is a very unhealthy and inefficient belief that doing something outside of your self is going to make you happy.
So when we get hurt, we may seek a new drug, new yoga, routine, or a new lover.
We do this, even though we know that these things will stop working over a short period of time or will only work for a short period of time
Underneath what is going on outside of you there is an underlying problem of you feeling like you are not whole.
Are you tired of trying new stuff to make your life better only to realize there is o quick fix or magic pill?
And until you feel whole and like you are in balance, you will continue to seek things outside of yourself even though you know it’s not going to ultimately work.
So you’re not actually motivated by anything outside of you.
Those positive experiences release certain chemicals into our bloodstream.
So it is not spending time with loved ones, succeeding at your career or being given gifts that makes us feel happy.
Directly, it is the “happy” chemicals that are released that give us the feelings of love, success, harmony and ecstasy.
In actuality, you are motivated by oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.
They are designed to give you a good feeling when you do something good for your survival.
Balance is key with these chemicals. They are not designed to be on all the time.
Early in life, our experiences create neural pathways. It is our experiences that program what it is, we recognize as survival.
In other words, the way you were raised and what you experienced in your environments and relationships has programmed in what you believe is necessary for your survival.
This is very simple, this is only because you do not have the right habits to help your body, create the right levels of these happy chemicals.
Your Zen Remedy will show you how to restore balance to your own chemistry and kickstart your motivation naturally.
You already have a brain that works great and just look at all of the things that you have accomplished are ready.
You speak a language, you read, you have the ability to think. It’s just that your intelligence has been restricted by your habits and your way of thinking.
The program you are running has you locking what you need out because you are so locked on to your condition.
Zen Remedy will help you create A PROGRAM OF YOUR OWN DESIGN so you you can feel confident about life you are living.